1. Crime Prevention in the context of development in Nepal
2. A note on crime scene investigation
3. Interview & Interrogation in the investigation of crime
4. Crime control: a short note
5. Resources for policing
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POLICING A Look at the KOBAN Policing System in Japan - Find out an overview of Koban system of community policing in Japan in PDF file. Community Policing -
Some Conceptual and Practical Considerations. Community Policing Pages - Learn about Robert C. Trojanowicz, one of the early leaders of the community policing movement. Includes community policing links. Community Policing Strategies - Award-Winning community policing strategies. Community Policing in the Context of Singapore - Provides information on the neighbourhood police post, and the service and activities performed.
Community Policing - Community Policing as the Primary Prevention Strategy for Homeland Security at the Local Law Enforcement Level. Police Foundation - An organization that acts as a catalyst for change and an advocate for new ideas in community policing. Includes resource materials. - Community Policing - Offers articles, books, and information on community policing, community criminal justice, and community-oriented government. Crime Reduction - UK - Providing information and resources for people working
to reduce crime in their local area. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management - Provides expert discussion, analysis and strategies for those concerned with achieving greater effectiveness in policing. Inlcudes related links.
Understanding Community Policing - This document was prepared by the Community Policing
Consortium, supported by grant number 93縫D砲X訪005, awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, U.S. Department of Justice.
CRIME PREVENTION Preventing Crime - Citizens' Experience Across the World - Official web site provides information on crime prevention based on research. Crime Prevention : The Singapore Approach - Provides an in-depth study on the prevention of crime in Singapore.
Crime Reduction: Crime Prevention Advice - Official web site provides advice for the prevention of crime. International Center for Prevention of Crime - Contains the crime prevention information and downloadable resources on crime prevention. International Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime - UNODC provides information on the Convention, held in the fight against transnational organized crime.
Includes about signatories and its protocols. National Crime Prevention Council - Nonprofit organization to help individuals, neighborhoods, communities and governments in an effort for crime prevention. National Crime Prevention Centre(Canada) - Organiszation for implementing the national strategy on community safety and crime prevention in Canada. Includes program, projects and publications. Prevention of Urban Crime - Provides an account of causes and consequences of the increase in crime and delinquency. Studies on Crime and Crime Prevention - Crime prevention through social development.
Crime and Clues - Find about crime scene investigation, importance of fingerprint, physical, demostrative, testimonial and behavioral evidence. Includes related book review. Crime Scene Investigation - Features articles on crime scene investigation and links to related sites. Crime Scene Investigation - Features articles by M/Sgt Hayden B. Baldwin on various aspects of crime scene investigation. Criminal Profiling - Provides resources on criminal profiling. Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy - Official web site of FBI's academy feartues information on its different training units. National Research Institute of Police science, Japan - Learn its research and development activities in the field of forensic science. Includes its contact address. Training in Investigation Techniques and Skills - OPT is a training company that specializes in the provision of training in investigation and enforcement techniques. Kruglick's Forensic Links - Provides links to forensic resources. Zeno's Forensic Pages - Provides extensive listings of forensic information on the web.
CROWD CONTROL Crowd Management Strategies - Provides various articles on different aspects of crowd control and management strategies. Crowd Management - View report of the Task Force on crowd control and safety. Managing Major Public Events - Official web site provides a planning guide for municipal officials,
law enforcement, community leaders,organizers, and promoters.
Understanding Riot - View an article by David D. Haddock and Daniel D. Polsby about understanding riot.
AIC - International Prison Policy Development Instrument - Established to assist countries in their development or review of prison policies. Includes manual that provides basis for correctional policy development in the areas of administration, case management, inmate rights, security, health, and discipline. Police Detention Administration in Japan - Explore about a life under police custody in Japan, rooms, daily schedule, meals, health and hygiene, contact with outside, and consideration for female, juvenile and foreign detainees. Also includes overview of system of suspect detention, and seperation of detention and investigation.